A tour in Switzerland; or, A view of the Present State of the Government and Manners of those Cantons: with Comparative Sketches of the Present State of Paris
Title | A tour in Switzerland; or, A view of the Present State of the Government and Manners of those Cantons: with Comparative Sketches of the Present State of Paris |
Date | 1798 |
VIAF | - |
Language(s) | English |
Notes | - |
Name | Role |
Helen Maria Williams | is creator of |
History of an emigrant family | 1798 | is copy of | |
Reize in Zwitserland | 1799 | is translation of | |
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen | 1799 | comments on work | |
*Art. in Nieuwe Algemene Konst en Letterbode | 1799 | None | |
Frans Julius Wong; Ny resa i Schweitz, innehållande en målning av detta land, dess seder och närvarande regeringar; jämte försök till jämförelse emellan bruken i Schweitz och det nya Paris | 1800 | is translation of | |
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen | 1800 | comments on work | |
*Presence in Behn Catalogue | 1801 | lists work | |
Podróż przez Szwaycaryą, w roku 1800: zawieraiąca opisanie tego kraiu, zwyczaiów i rządu, z nieiakim przyrównaniem do obyczaiów Paryża, w czasach ostatnich / napisana oryg. po ang. przez Helenę Marią Williams | 1802 | is translation of |