Silas Marner

Title Silas Marner
Date 1861
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Eliot, George (pseud.) is creator of
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection 1840 lists work
Till salu uti Sederholm & komp bokhandel On sale from Sederholm & comp. books shop 1861 lists work
D. Palanderin kirjakaupasta From D. Palander's book shop 1861 lists work
Silas Marner, de wever van Raveloe 1861 is translation of
Till salu uti G. L Söderströms bokhandel [On sale from G.L Söderström's book shop] 1861 lists work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1861 comments on work
*Silas Marner [Title in German?] 1862 is adaptation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1862 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1862 lists work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1862 lists work
Silas Marner 1863 is translation of
Silas Marner 1863 is translation of
Till salu uti G. L Söderströms bokhandel [On sale from G.L Söderström's book shop] 1864 lists work
Till salu uti Sederholm & komp bokhandel [On sale from Sederholm & comp. books shop] 1865 lists work
*Comment on this text (Silas Marner) 1865 comments on work
Till salu i Danielsons & Co. Bokhandel [On sale i Danielson's & Co. Book shop] 1866 lists work
Till salu i Danielsons & Co. Bokhandel [On sale i Danielson's & Co. Book shop] 1867 lists work
*Mention in Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1867 None
Bard'in kirjakaupasta [From the Bard's book shop] 1869 lists work
I O. Palanders bokhandel [At O. Palander's book shop 1869 lists work
Uti Frenckell & sons bokhandel From the Frenckell & sons book shop 1869 lists work
Myytävänä Clouberg'in ja kump. kirjakaupasta [On sale from Clouberg & comp.'s book shop] 1869 lists work
Uusia kirjoja täkäläisestä kirjakaupasta [New books from the local book shop] 1869 lists work
Kirjakauppaan on ilmestynyt [To the book shop has arrived] 1869 lists work
Silas Marner, Raveloen karkuri Silas Marner 1869 is translation of
Bard'in kirjakaupasta [From the Bard's book shop] 1870 lists work
Frenckell'in kirjakaupasta [From the Frenckell's book shop] 1870 lists work
Litteratur literature 1870 lists work
*Letter to Potgieter mentioning G.Eliot 1873 comments on work
Catalogue of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen 1886 lists work
Silas Marner: væveren fra Raveloe 1892 is translation of
*Diary mention, Thursday 18 March 1897 comments on work
Læseforening (Silas Marner) 1904 lists work