Tales of Fancy (Vol I: The Shipwreck; Vol II&III Country Neighbours)
Title | Tales of Fancy (Vol I: The Shipwreck; Vol II&III Country Neighbours) |
Date | 1816 |
VIAF | - |
Language(s) | English |
Notes | - |
Name | Role |
Burney, Sarah Harriet | is creator of |
*reference in a letter | 1815 | comments on work | |
Le Naufrage The Shipwreck | 1816 | is translation of | |
"Of some of Miss Burneys novels we have formerly spoken with approbation..." | 1816 | comments on work | |
*Article in De Recensent | 1819 | comments on work | |
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen | 1820 | comments on work | |
De schipbreuk | 1820 | is translation of |