XXXConversations d'Emilie

Title XXXConversations d'Emilie
Date 1774
Language(s) French
Notes -
*Lettre de Diderot à Mme d'Epinay 1773 comments on work
Mme Buchwald, *Lettre du 26 octobre 1774 1774 comments on work
art. in Correspondance Littéraire 1774 comments on work
Lettre à Mme d'Epinay janvier 1775 1775 comments on work
*Articles sur le texte d'Epinay 1775 comments on work
(a preciser) 1775 is translation of
*Lettre à Grimm, 10 mai 1775 1775 comments on work
Princesse de Beauvau, *Lettre à Grimm 1780 comments on work
Liste de livres lus ou à lire 1780 lists work
*Lettre à Grimm, 7 sept. 1780 1780 comments on work
art. in Correspondance Littéraire 1781 comments on work
*à préciser 1782 is translation of
Adèle et Théodore 1782 is intertextual to
*art. in Année Littéraire 1784 comments on work
The Conversations of Emily 1785 is translation of
(a preciser) 1785 is translation of
(a preciser) 1785 is translation of
De gesprekken met Emilia 1787 is translation of
ZZ*Letter to Isaac van Cleef 1787 comments on work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1788 comments on work
*Art. in Nieuwe Nederlandsche Bibliotheek 1788 comments on work
Catalogue de vente, Terwe 1788 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Bekker (Wolff) 1789 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Gosse 1791 lists work
Otto Cornelis van Eck (ca 14 jaar), Dagboek 1791 comments on work
A correspondance 1796 is intertextual to
Catalogue de vente, J.D. 1797 lists work
Las conversaciones de Emilia: traducidas sobre la quinta edición del francés al castellano por Doña Ana Muñoz 1797 is translation of
Cabinet de lecture Gulik 1798 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Gulik 1798 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
The conversations of Emily, abridged from the French 1817 is translation of
*Notice dans Histoire de la littérature féminine en France 1921 comments on work