
Title Pascarèl
Date 1873
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
La Ramée, Maria Louise de is creator of
Pascarel 1874 is translation of
Pascarèl 1874 is translation of
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1875 lists work
Pascarel Pascarel 1876 is translation of
Ouida over het Toneel (Ons Streven) 1876 comments on work
Pascarello 1877 is translation of
Pascarel 1878 is translation of
Pascarel 1881 is translation of
Rautatien-palveliakunnan Pietarin kirjaston luettelo The list of the books present in the library of the railway workers in St. Petersburg 1881 lists work
*Art. in Nederlandsche Spectator 1882 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1884 lists work
De liefde is genoeg Love is enough 1893 is translation of
Huize ter Aar 1905 is intertextual to