
Title Consuelo
Date 1842
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Sand, George (pseudonym) is creator of
*[title in Spanish] 1842 is translation of
*[title in English] 1842 is translation of
Consuelo 1842 is copy of
*Letter (commenting Sand) to Busken Huet 1843 comments on work
Consuelo 1843 is copy of
Consuelo 1843 is copy of
Gustav Julius, Consuelo 1843 is translation of
Consuelo 1843 is translation of
*Art. Über Consuelo 1844 comments on work
*[title in Spanish] 1844 is translation of
Dr. Johannes Scherr, Consuelo 1845 is translation of
*Interdiction 1845 is censorship of
Consuelo (opera) 1846 is adaptation of
Francis G. Shaw, Consuelo 1846 is translation of
Waldemar, Consuelo 1846 is translation of
*[title in English] 1847 is translation of
Fayette Robinson, Consuelo 1851 is translation of
Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) 1856 lists work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
*Présence dans sa bibliothèque 1860 lists work
Konsuello 1860 is translation of
Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) 1861 lists work
*Konsuelo 1864 is translation of
*[title in Italian] 1869 is translation of
*Presence in Janko Kersnik' private collection 1870 lists work
*Alcestis 1874 is adaptation of
*Mention in art. Iets over het lezen van romans *Mention in art. 1875 None
Zomborfalvy, *[title in Hungarian] 1875 is translation of
*Mention of Sand, Consuleo in Art. Delphine and Corinne 1875 comments on work
H.P. Holst, Consuelo: Roman i 2 dele 1876 is translation of
Consuelo 1876 is translation of
Oude Romans Old Novels 1877 None
*Letter (about Sand) to Busken Huet (published in De Gids) 1877 comments on work
George Sand 1877 is adaptation of
*Presence in Ivan Tavčar's collection 1880 lists work
*Presence in catalogue of Openbare Leeszaal en bibliotheek Arnhem 1883 lists work
Konsuelo 1887 is translation of
Konsuelo 1888 is translation of
Frank H. Potter, Consuelo 1889 is translation of
*Mention in art. Pierre Leroux 1890 None
Consuelo 1891 is translation of
Keynotes, mentioning Consuelo 1893 is intertextual to
Wilhelm Platschek, Consuelo 1893 is translation of
Consuelo 1894 is translation of
Fayette Robinson, Consuelo 1894 is translation of
*Mention in art.: Znatnije književnice u stranih naroda/Important Foreign Women Writers 1896 None
Konsuelo 1896 is translation of
Frederik van Eeden, Dagboek 1896 comments on work
Damesleesmuseum Den Haag 1900 lists work
Friderik Chopin Frédéric Chopin 1900 None
George Burnham Ives, Consuelo, in collection: The masterpieces 1902 is translation of
Læseforening (Consuelo) 1904 lists work
*Presence in Knjižnica Splošnega ženskega društva (Library of General Women's Society) 1905 lists work
*Presence in the Library catalogue of Javna ljudska knjižnica gospodarskega in izobraževalnega društva za dvorski okraj v Ljubljani 1916 lists work