Fru Marianne

Title Fru Marianne
Date 1887
Notes -
Name Role
Victoria Maria Benedictsson is creator of
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - Cygnaeuksen kokoelma Turku city library Cygnaeus collection 1800 lists work
Fru Marianne 1887 is translation of
*Art. in Tijdspiegel 1888 comments on work
*Art. in Nederland 1888 comments on work
*Art. in Leeswijzer 1888 comments on work
*Art. in Portefeuille 1888 comments on work
Mevrouw Marianne 1888 is translation of
*Art. in Nederlandsche Spectator 1889 comments on work
*Art. in Leeskabinet 1889 comments on work
*Art. in Nieuws van den dag 1889 comments on work
*Advertisement in De Gids 1890 mentions work
Th. Lorck, Frau Marianne 1890 is translation of
*aanwezigheid in catalogus 1900 lists work
*aanwezigheid in catalogus 1900 lists work
Læseforening (Fru Marianne) 1904 lists work