Contes moraux

Title Contes moraux
Date 1774
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Leprince de Beaumont, Marie is creator of
Novelle Morali 1772 is translation of
Moral tales. Translated from the French of Mde. Le Prince de Beaumont 1775 is translation of
Moralische Erzählungen 1775 is translation of
publ. in Lady's 1776 is translation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1777 comments on work
Magazijn van Zedelijke Vertelzels 1777 is translation of
Catalogue de vente, Horst 1777 lists work
publ. in Lady's 1777 is translation of
Magazijn van zedelijke vertelsels 1780 is translation of
Catalogue de vente, Anonyme 1782 lists work
*Title in German 1785 is translation of
Cabinet de lecture, Bakhuyzen 1785 lists work
*Private Library Inventory 1786 lists work
*Presence in Cleve Catalogue 1787 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Bakhuyzen 1791 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Gosse 1791 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Riemsdyk & Bronkhorst 1792 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Martens 1793 lists work
Catalogue de vente, Van der Haar 1795 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Beets 1797 lists work
Nuevos cuentos morales escritos por Madama Beaumont y treducida por J.F.Q. 1797 is translation of
Catalogue de vente, Muilman 1798 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, J. v. Gulik 1798 lists work
The fatal indifference; or, The interesting history of Mrs. Matilda Markham. 1800 is translation of
Cabinet de lecture: Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
Article dans le Dictionnaire historique [..] 1804 comments on work
CONTR 1812 is translation of
*Presence in Leopold Paternolli's catalogues 1833 lists work
CONTR 1840 is translation of
Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) 1846 lists work