*The Bard of the Dimbovitza
Title | *The Bard of the Dimbovitza |
Date | 1880 |
VIAF | - |
Language(s) | English |
Notes | - |
Name | Role |
Vǎcǎrescu, Elena | is creator of |
Lieder aus dem Dimbovitzathal / aus dem Volksmunde gesammelt von Helene Vacaresco | 1889 | is translation of | |
The bard of the Dimbovitza : Roumanian folk-songs / collected from the peasants by Hélène Vacaresco | 1891 | is translation of | |
Le Rhapsode de la Dàmbovit̡a, chansons, ballades roumaines recueillies par Hélène Vacaresco | 1900 | is translation of | |
Roemeensche volksliederen en balladen | 1909 | is translation of | |
*Mention in article about Helene Swarth | 1915 | None |