Lettres d'une Péruvienne

Title Lettres d'une Péruvienne
Date 1747
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Graffigny, Françoise de is creator of
*Art. in Nouvelles Littéraires 1747 comments on work
*Art. dans Les cinq années littéraires 1748 comments on work
Lettres written by a Peruvian princess. 1748 is translation of
*Art. in Lettres sur quelques écrits de ce temps 1749 comments on work
Lettres d'Aza ou d'un Peruvien 1749 is intertextual to
*Art. in Observations sur la Littérature Moderne 1749 comments on work
Le triomphe du sentiment 1750 is intertextual to
Cabinet de lecture, Scheurleer 1751 lists work
*Art. in Novelle della Repubblica Letteraria 1751 comments on work
*Art. in Mémoires de Trévoux 1752 comments on work
*Art. in Observations sur la Littérature Moderne 1752 comments on work
Catalogue de venet, Grave 1752 lists work
*Art. dans Lettres sur quelques écrits de ce temps 1752 comments on work
Letters from Zilia to Aza, taken from the French 1753 is sequel of
Lettere amorose d'una Peruviana 1754 is translation of
Encyclopedie, art. Devoir 1754 is intertextual to
art. in Mémoires de Trévoux 1759 comments on work
*Announcing a new edition of Graffigny's novel 1759 comments on work
Lettere di una Peruviana Letters of a Peruvian woman 1759 is translation of
Lettere d'una peruviana 1760 is translation of
*Art. in Estratto della Letteratura Europea 1760 comments on work
Catalogue de vente, J.A.C. 1764 lists work
Letters from a Peruvian Princess to her Lover 1765 is translation of
*Art. sur Lettres Pér. dans Hist. litt. des femmes françaises 1769 comments on work
Catalogue de vente, Isaac 1769 lists work
The Peruvian Letters 1774 is translation of
Letters to and from a Peruvian Princess 1774 is intertextual to
art. in Critical Review 1775 comments on work
art. in Town and Country Magazine 1775 comments on work
art. in London Review 1775 comments on work
Letters of Aza 1778 is translation of
Zilia, Briefe einer Peruanerin 1780 is translation of
Lettere d'una peruviana 1780 is translation of
*Aankoop (door Weduwe Van Dorp) bij Luchtmans Leiden 1780 lists work
Catalogue de vente, bibliothèque privée De Waardt 1780 lists work
Letters written by a Peruvian Princess 1782 is translation of
The sequel of the peruvian princess, containing the letters of Aza 1782 is translation of
Letters of a Peruvian Princess, with the Sequel 1782 is translation of
Adèle et Théodore 1782 is intertextual to
*Private Library Inventory 1782 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Bakhuyzen 1785 lists work
*Presence in Swederus Catalogue 1785 lists work
Lettres taïtiennes 1786 is sequel of
Catalogue de vente, bibliothèque privée: Van Hees 1787 lists work
No title 1790 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Bakhuyzen 1791 lists work
[Titre en russe] 1791 is translation of
Cartas de una peruana, escritas en francés por Madame de Graffigny y traducidas al castellano con algunas correcciones, y aumentadas con notas, y una carta para su mayor complemento por Doña María Romero Masegosa y Cancelada 1792 is translation of
Endechas reales 1794 comments on work
*Self-defense against an accusation of plagiarism 1794 comments on work
Catalogue de vente, Van Haren 1796 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, Van Gulik 1797 lists work
Cabinet de lecture, J. v. Gulik 1798 lists work
Cours de littérature 1799 comments on work
*à retrouver 1800 is intertextual to
*remarques dans ses Mémoires 1800 comments on work
Letters written by a Peruvian Princess Letters written by a Peruvian Princess 1802 is translation of
Lettres d'une Péruvienne, augmentées et suivies de celles d'Aza, tirées d'un manuscrit espagnol, avec de belles gravures 1802 is translation of
art. dans Dictionnaire historique [...] 1804 comments on work
Letters of a Peruvian princess 1818 is translation of
Cartas peruanas 1823 is translation of
De l'Influence des femmes 1828 is bio-bibliography listing
Cartas de una peruana traducidas del francés por D.J.G. 1836 is translation of
Recueil d'analyses raisonnées des productions remarquables des plus célèbres romanciers français 1839 comments on work
En Peruanerindes Haendelser 1855 is translation of
*notice dans histoire litteraire 1896 comments on work
Cabinet de lecture, Swederus None lists work