La Colombiade

Title La Colombiade
Date 1756
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Boccage, Anne-Marie Le Page du is creator of
Journal en forme de lettres (reception of Boccage) Diary in letters 1757 is intertextual to
*Art. in Correspondance littéraire 1757 comments on work
JJJJournal en forme de lettres Diary in Letters 1757 is intertextual to
*Art. in Année littéraire 1757 comments on work
*Art. in Bibliothèque impartiale 1757 comments on work
*Art. in Journal Encyclopedique 1757 comments on work
Caro Memmo, mon cher frére (Wynne's correspondence with Andrea Memmo 1758-1760) 1759 None
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek St. Hyacinthe 1760 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Diodati etc. 1760 lists work
Die Columbiade, oder der in die neue Welt übergebrachte Glaube, ein Heldengedicht, aus dem Französischen der Madame Du Bocage prosaisch übersetzt 1762 is translation of
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek J.A.C. 1764 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Van Assendelft & De Veer 1765 lists work
La Porte, *Art. dans Histoire litt. des femmes françaises 1769 comments on work
*Possession of the text 1770 lists work
La Colombiade. Poema di Madama Du Boccage, tradotto dal francese in Milano 1771 is translation of
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Horst 1777 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek De Waardt 1780 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek anoniem 1780 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1785 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Du Pon 1787 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Bruyn 1788 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Gosse 1791 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1791 lists work
Veilingcatalogus leesbibliotheek Riemsdyk & Bronkhorst 1792 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Van Haren 1796 lists work
*[title in Spanish] 1800 is translation of
*Article dans le Dictionnaire historique [..] 1804 comments on work
A Colombiada: ou, A fé levada, ao novo mundo [Visconde de Seabra] 1893 is translation of