Home Influence; a tale for mothers and daughters
Title | Home Influence; a tale for mothers and daughters |
Date | 1847 |
VIAF | - |
Language(s) | English |
Notes | - |
Name | Role |
Grace Aguilar | is creator of |
Le voeu d'Ellen | 1850 | is translation of | |
Blikken in het huisselijk leven en het menschelijk hart | 1853 | is translation of | |
Lifvet i hemmet. En berättelse för mödrar och döttrar Home life | 1855 | is translation of | |
Hjemmets Indflydelse: en Fortaelling for Mødre og Døttre The Home's Influence: A Tale for Mothers and Daughters | 1858 | is translation of | |
Catalogus Van der Hoek | 1859 | lists work | |
Influencias de la educación doméstica | 1860 | is translation of | |
Catalogus Van der Hoek | 1873 | lists work | |
Hjemmets Indflydelse: En Fortælling for Mødre og Døtre The influence of the home: a story for mothers and daughters | 1898 | is translation of |