Die zweite Frau (The second wife)

Title Die zweite Frau (The second wife)
Date 1874
Language(s) German
Notes -
Name Role
Marlitt, Eugenie is creator of
*Art. in Ons Streven 1874 comments on work
Den anden kone The second wife 1874 is translation of
A második feleség 1874 is translation of
The second wife, a romance, from the German of E. Marlitt [pseud.] ... By Mrs. A.L. Wister. 1874 is translation of
De tweede vrouw 1874 is translation of
Den andra frun The second wife 1874 is translation of
N.T., *Art. in Leeskabinet 1874 comments on work
*article in De Gids 1874 comments on work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1875 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1875 lists work
Liane 1875 is translation of
Samlade berättelser Collected stories 1875 is translation of
La seconde femme 1875 is translation of
Mainaus andra hustru The second wife of Mainau 1875 is translation of
The second wife / from the German of E. Marlitt by Annie Wood. 1875 is translation of
Baronesse Mainau 1876 is translation of
Liane, eller Den anden Hustru 1877 is translation of
Druhá manželka : román z doby novější (The second wife: a novel from nowadays) 1880 is translation of
The Second Wife. A romance of Castle Schönwerth. 1881 is translation of
Varastokirjasto - The National Repository Library The National Repository Library 1890 lists work
Laciné, zábavné knihy, antikvariat: Druhá manželka (Inexpensive, entertaining books, second hand: The second wife) 1891 lists work
Laciné, zábavné knihy, antikvariat: Marlittová: Druhá manželka (Inexpensive, entertaining books, secondhand: Marlitt: The second wife) 1891 lists work
Második feleség 1891 is translation of
Liane eller Den anden Hustru Liane or the second wife 1891 is translation of
Laciné zábavné knihy, antikvariat: Druhá manželka (Inexpensie entertaining books, secondhand: The second wife) 1891 lists work
La segunda esposa The second wife 1895 is translation of
Második feleség 1896 is translation of
Laciné, zábavné knihy české: Marlittové romány: Druhá manželka (Inexpensive, entertaining Czech books: Novels by Marlitt: The second wife) 1897 lists work
Min anden Hustru: Roman My second wife: novel 1898 is translation of
Levné knihy (Cheap books) 1898 lists work
*Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) 1898 lists work
Levné knihy (Cheap books) 1899 lists work
Levné knihy (Cheap books) 1899 lists work
Levné knihy: Marlittová: Druhá manželka (Cheap books: Marlitt: The second wife) 1899 lists work
Levné knihy: Marlittová: Druhá manželka (Cheap books: Marlitt: The second wife) 1899 lists work
Levné knihy: Marlittová: Druhá manželka (Cheap books: Marlitt: The second wife) 1899 lists work
Levné knihy: Marlittová: Druhá manželka (Cheap books: Marlitt: The second wife) 1899 lists work
Levné knihy: Marlittová: Druhá manželka (Cheap books: Marlitt: The second wife) 1901 lists work
Levné knihy: Marlittová: Druhá manželka (Cheap books: Marlitt: The second wife) 1901 lists work
Læseforening (Die zweite Frau) 1904 lists work
Za vánoční dárky, antikvární knihy: Romány E. Marlittové (As Christmas presents, second hand books: Novels by E. Marlitt) 1905 lists work
Druhá manželka 1906 is translation of
Második feleség 1908 is translation of
*Presence in Nutsbibliotheken in Nederland 1910 lists work
Vtoraâ žena: roman The second wife 1911 is translation of
Druhá manželka : román společenský / Eugenie Marlittová ; zčeštil J.L.Turnovský (The second wife: a society novel by Eugenie Marlitt, adapted to the Czech by J. L. Turnovský) 1914 is translation of
Második feleség 1915 is translation of
*Presence in the Library catalogue of Javna ljudska knjižnica gospodarskega in izobraževalnega društva za dvorski okraj v Ljubljani 1916 lists work
Druhá choť : Rom. / Eugenie Marlitt ; Přel. Jaroslav Kalina (The second spouse: a novel by E. Marlitt, translated by Jaroslav Kalina) 1918 is translation of
Hänen toinen vaimonsa His second wife 1922 is translation of
Toinen puoliso The second spouse 1922 is translation of
La Seconde femme, adaptation de E. B. Lang 1927 is translation of
Hans andra hustru His other wife 1930 is translation of
Snižujeme ceny: Marlittová: Druhá chot´ (We are lowering the prices: Marlitt: The second wife) 1931 lists work
De roman der getrouwde vrouwen. Een studie van huwelijksleven 1931 comments on work
Hans annen hustru: roman His second wife: novel 1936 is translation of
Turun yliopiston kirjasto - Turku university library Turku university library None lists work
Suomen kansalliskirjasto - Finnish national library Finnish national library None lists work