A brave lady

Title A brave lady
Date 1870
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Craik, Dinah Mulock is creator of
P.B. Blicher: Lady de Bougainville 1869 is translation of
*Art. in Lit. Fant. en Kritieken 1870 None
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1871 lists work
Eene moedige vrouw 1873 comments on work
Eene kloeke vrouw 1874 is translation of
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1874 lists work
*Art. in Vaderl. Letteroefeningen 1874 comments on work
*Art. in De Gids 1875 comments on work
Athenæum 1899 comments on work
Damesleesmuseum Den Haag 1900 lists work