Elisabeth ou les exilés de Sibérie

Title Elisabeth ou les exilés de Sibérie
Date 1806
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Sophie Cottin is creator of
Elisaveta de L* (Lupalova) ili neshchastie semeistva, soslannogo v Sibir' i potom vozvrazhchennogo, istinnoe proizshestvie 1807 is translation of
Elizabeth 1807 is translation of
Elisabet, eller en landförvisad familj i Siberien Elisabet, or the exiled family in Siberia 1807 is translation of
Elisabetta, ovvero gli Esiliati in Siberia 1807 is translation of
Elisabeth, of de edele ballingen 1809 is translation of
*Art. in De Recensent 1809 comments on work
*Art. in Hedendaagsche Vaderlandsche Bibliotheek 1810 comments on work
Elisabetta ... Tradotta dal francese ... da M. Santagnello 1813 is translation of
El heroismo del amor filial, Isabel, ó Los desterrados de Siberia : historia verdadera del presente siglo 1820 is translation of
Isabel, ò les Desterrados de Siberia 1822 is translation of
Elisabeth 1822 is translation of
De l'Influence des femmes 1828 is bio-bibliography listing
*art. in de Recensent 1830 comments on work
Alzbeta, [..] 1830 is translation of
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection 1840 lists work
I Elisavet i Oi exoristoi tis Sivirias / Ἡ Ἐλισάβετ ἢ Οἱ ἐξόριστοι τῆς Σιβηρίας 1841 is translation of
*Mention in Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1843 None
Elizabeta ali Pregnanci v Sibirii : povest v poduk in kratek čas 1857 is translation of
Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) 1860 lists work
*Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) 1861 lists work
Læseforening (Elisabeth ou les exilés de Sibérie) 1904 lists work
Elizabeta, hči sibirskega jetnika (Elizabeth, the Daughter of a Siberian Prisoner) 1907 is translation of