Lettres écrites de Lausanne

Title Lettres écrites de Lausanne
Date 1785
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Charrière, Isabelle de is creator of
*Lettre de Susette Moula (0520) à Isabelle de Charrière 1784 comments on work
Lettres écrites de Colombier, près de Neuchâtel 1785 is parody of
*Lettre à Madame de Charrière 1785 comments on work
Lettre écrite de la Cheneau de Bourg, sur les Lettres de Lausanne et de Colombier 1785 is parody of
*Art. dans Journal de Paris 1786 comments on work
*art. in Journal général de France 1786 comments on work
*Art. in Journal Encyclopédique 1786 comments on work
*Lettre à Isabelle de Charrière (0590) 1787 comments on work
*Art. in Mercure de France Art. in Mercure de France 1788 comments on work
*Art. in Journal de Lausanne 1788 comments on work
*Lettre à Mme de Charrière 1788 comments on work
*Art. in Correspondance Littéraire 1788 comments on work
*Art. in Journal de Paris 1788 comments on work
*Lettre au comte Shouvalov 1790 comments on work
ZZ*Remarque dans une lettre (0753) de Rosalie de Constant 1791 comments on work
Cecilie und Kalliste 1792 is translation of
Cabinet de lecture, Gulik 1798 lists work
Letters written from Lausanne 1799 is translation of
*Art. in British Critic 1799 comments on work
*Art. in Monthly Review 1799 comments on work
*Art. in Critical Review 1799 comments on work
*Art. in Monthly Magazine and British Register 1799 comments on work
Cabinet de lecture, Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
*Art. in Le Publiciste 1807 comments on work
*Comment in private letter 1810 comments on work
Mémoires d'Outre-tombe (referring to Charrière) 1826 comments on work
*Mention in catalogue of private library Golitsyne family 1840 lists work