La petite Fadette

Title La petite Fadette
Date 1848
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Sand, George (pseudonym) is creator of
La petite Fadette (Brussels/Livorno/Leipzig: Meline) 1849 is copy of
G.F.W. Rödiger, Die kleine Fadette 1849 is translation of
P. Uttech, Klein-Koboldchen 1849 is translation of
*[title in English] 1849 is translation of
La petite Fadette (Brussels/Leipzig: C. Muquardt) 1849 is copy of
*vérifier titre 1850 is adaptation of
Sangene til En liden hex : folkekomedie i 5 akter med sange og chor efter George Sand 1850 is translation of
Maliutka Fandetta 1850 is translation of
E. Giertsen's Library (as 'Den lille Fadette') 1850 lists work
Litte Fadette 1850 is translation of
Die kleine Fadette. Dorfgeschichte 1850 is translation of
Sangene til En liden hex : folkekomedie i 5 akter med sange og chor efter George Sand 1850 is translation of
Glümer, Bodo, Die kleine Fadette 1851 is translation of
Litteraturöfversigt (an article) Literature view 1851 None
Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog) (German translation) 1851 lists work
Fadette. A domestic story 1851 is translation of
De kleine Fadette 1851 is translation of
Den lille Fadette 1851 is translation of
Den lille Fadette (the little Fadette) (in 'Athenæums Bøger') 1852 lists work
*[title in Italian] 1853 is translation of
Fric, Josef Vaclav, Diblik Sotek Z Hor 1855 is adaptation of
Die Grille. Ländliches Charakterbild in 5 Aufzügen 1856 is adaptation of
*Art. in Frankfurter Museum 1857 comments on work
Soma, Fekete, *[title in Hungarian] 1857 is translation of
Albert Battiscombe, *Mention in diary 1857 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
August Schrader, Die kleine Fadette / Die Grille oder die kleine Fadette 1860 is translation of
*Présence dans catalogue 1860 lists work
*Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) (Italian translation) 1861 lists work
*[title in English] 1863 is translation of
De Krekel 1864 is adaptation of
Fanchon the cricket 1864 is translation of
*Letter to Busken Huet, mentioning Sand 1868 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1870 lists work
*Presence in Janko Kersnik's private collection 1870 lists work
Pikku Fadette Little Fadette 1870 is translation of
Cvrček The Cricket 1876 is adaptation of
Nalezenec / od G.Sandové ; přeložil J. B...r 1876 is translation of
*Art. in Leeskabinet 1877 comments on work
C. Sachs, La petite Fadette 1877 is copy of
Sirkka eli pikku Fadette: kansannäytelmä 5:ssä näytöksessä, 7:ssä vaihoksessa: George Sand'in novellin mukaan 1878 is translation of
*Reading experience 1883 comments on work
Bludička : vesnická povídka Jack-o'-lantern: a village story 1884 is translation of
Työmiehen vaimo The Worker's Wife 1885 is intertextual to
Dziurdziowie 1885 is intertextual to
*[title in Rumanian] 1887 is translation of
Pikku Marie:kyläkertomus 1889 is translation of
Syrsan: byhistoria 1890 is translation of
J. Möllenhoff, Die Grille oder die kleine Fadette 1890 comments on work
*A review of the finnish translation Pikku Marie 1891 comments on work
*[title in German] 1892 is translation of
Besenok 1892 is translation of
Little Fadette 1893 is translation of
Judita 1896 is intertextual to
Fadette 1896 is translation of
Malen'kaia Fadetta 1896 is translation of
Sobranie Sochinenii Zhorzh Zand Vol. 1 Malen'kaia Fadetta; Mopra 1898 is translation of
Brink, J. Ten, Geschiedenis der Noord-Nederlandsche Letteren in de XIXe Eeuw 1902 comments on work
Læseforening (La petite Fadette) 1904 lists work
Pikku Fadette : kyläkertomus Little Fadette 1904 is translation of
Max Rosenthal, La petite Fadette 1906 is copy of
La petite Fadette 1908 is copy of
Victor Wurm, Die Grille. Erzählung für junge Mädchen 1909 is translation of
La petite Fadette 1910 is copy of