The correspondence of Samuel Richardson ... / selected from the original manuscripts to which are prefixed, a biographical account of that author, and observations on his writings
Title | The correspondence of Samuel Richardson ... / selected from the original manuscripts to which are prefixed, a biographical account of that author, and observations on his writings |
Date | 1804 |
VIAF | - |
Language(s) | English |
Notes | - |
Name | Role |
Samuel Richardson | has biography |
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia | is creator of |
*Art. in Hedendaagsche Vaderlandsche Bibliotheek | 1805 | comments on work | |
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen | 1805 | comments on work | |
Briefwisseling van Samuel Richardson; voorafgegaan door eene levensbeschrijving en beoordeeling der werken van dien schrijver door A.L. Barbauld | 1805 | is translation of | |
*Art. in De Recensent | 1806 | comments on work | |
De l'Influence des femmes | 1828 | is bio-bibliography listing |