Adam Bede

Title Adam Bede
Date 1859
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Eliot, George (pseud.) is creator of
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection 1840 lists work
Adam Bede 1859 is translation of
*Presence in Catalogue 1860 lists work
Adam Bede 1860 is translation of
*Art. in Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes 1860 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1860 lists work
D. Palanderin kirjakaupasta From D. Palander's book shop 1861 lists work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1861 lists work
Till salu uti G. L Söderströms bokhandel [On sale from G.L Söderström's book shop] 1861 lists work
Uti Frendell & sons bokhandel [From the Frendell & sons book shop] 1861 lists work
Till salu å bokhandeln i S:t Michel 1861 lists work
Till salu hos Clouberg & C:O [On sale at Clouberg & C:O] 1861 lists work
Till salu hos Hallstén (?) [On sale at Hallstén] 1861 lists work
Adam Bède 1861 is translation of
Till salu hos (?) Danielson [On sale at Danielson] 1862 lists work
Nytt i bokhandeln i S:t Michel 1862 lists work
Uti Frenckell & sons bokhandel [From the Frenckell & sons book shop] 1862 lists work
Uti Frenckell & sons bokhandel [From the Frenckell & sons book shop] 1863 lists work
Till salu uti Sederholm & komp bokhandel On sale from Sederholm & comp. books shop 1864 lists work
Uti Frendell & sons bokhandel [From the Frendell & sons book shop] 1864 lists work
Adam Bede en geestverwanten 1864 comments on work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1864 comments on work
*Mention in Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1867 None
Uti Frenckell & sons bokhandel [From the Frenckell & sons book shop] 1867 lists work
Till salu i Danielsons & Co. Bokhandel [On sale i Danielson's & Co. Book shop] 1867 lists work
J. Hoek, *Mention in Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1868 None
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1868 None
W.L., *art. in Leeskabinet 1874 comments on work
Catalogue of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen 1886 lists work
Adam Bade: 1891 is translation of
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1891 None
Literature and the English Book Trade 1895 None
*Art. in Nieuwsblad 1896 comments on work
*Diary mention, Friday 13 August; Wednesday 25 August 1897 comments on work
Athenæum catalogue 1899 lists work
Av 'Adam Bede' From 'Adam Bede' 1901 is translation of
Læseforening for kvinder 1904 lists work
”Bokmarkedet”. George Eliot: Adam Bede "The book market". G.E. Adam Bede 1910 None
Adam Bede 1910 is translation of
*Presence in Nutsbibliotheken in Nederland 1910 lists work
George Eliot: Adam Bede 1911 comments on work
Av 'Adam Bede' Of 'Adam Bede' 1912 is translation of
*Preface to Adam Bede 1926 is preface of