
Title Mauprat
Date 1837
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Sand, George (pseudonym) is creator of
Mopra 1837 is translation of
Mopra 1837 is translation of
*Fragments copied by hand in copybook 1837 comments on work
Mopra 1837 is translation of
*Art. in Blätter für literarischer Unterhaltung 1838 comments on work
Mauprat 1838 is translation of
Mauprat 1838 is translation of
*Art. in Repertorium 1838 comments on work
Mopra 1839 is translation of
*Art. in Literaturblatt 1839 comments on work
*Presence in Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics 1840 lists work
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection 1840 lists work
Turun kaupungin kirjasto - vanha kokoelma Turku city library - old collection 1840 lists work
Bernard Moprat, ili Perevospitannyi dikar'[Reeducation of a Savage]: Sochinenie Zhorzh Zand (Gospozhi Dyudevan) Chast' Pervaia 1841 is translation of
*[title in Hungarian] 1843 is translation of
*Interdiction 1843 is censorship of
Mauprat 1844 is translation of
Bernard Moprat, ili Perevospitannyi dikar'[Reeducation of a Savage]: Soch. Zh. Zand (g-zhi Dyudevan) Ch. 1-4 1844 is translation of
Mauprat 1845 is translation of
Schédel, Ferenc, *Art. in Figyelmezö 1845 comments on work
Dr. Johannes Scherr, Bernhard 1848 is translation of
Mauprat 1853 is translation of
Mauprat 1856 is translation of
Mopra 1861 is translation of
Mauprat 1870 is translation of
Mopra 1880 is translation of
*Présence dans la librairie internationale d'Athènes 1890 lists work
Mauprat 1891 is translation of
Mopra [Mauprat] 1896 is translation of
*Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) 1898 lists work
George Burnham Ives, Mauprat, in collection: The Masterpieces 1902 is translation of