Caroline de Lichtfield

Title Caroline de Lichtfield
Date 1786
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Isabelle de Montolieu is creator of
Caroline of Lichtfield, a novel. Translated from the French 1786 is translation of
Karoline von Lichtfeld 1787 is translation of
*Comments on Wollstonecraft's reading Caroline de Lichtfield 1787 comments on work
Carolina van Lichtfield 1788 is translation of
Serie von 12 Kupferstichen aus dem französ. Roman 'Karoline von Lichtfeld' 1788 comments on work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1789 comments on work
Carolina de Lichtfield, ou o Triunfo da virtude 1790 is translation of
Veilingcatalogus leesbibliotheek Riemsdyk & Bronkhorst 1792 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Martens 1793 lists work
Carolina von Lichtfeld 1794 is translation of
ZZ*Letter mentioning Montolieu (à Henriette L'Hardy, 19 mai 1795) 1795 comments on work
ZZ*Citée dans lettre de Charrière mentionnant Montolieu 1795 comments on work
Carolina de Lichtfield, puesta en castellano por D.F.D.O. 1796 is translation of
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek J.D. 1797 lists work
Veilingcatalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Beets 1797 lists work
Veilingcatalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Beets 1797 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek J. v. Gulik 1798 lists work
Karoline von Lichtfeld 1798 is translation of
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek: Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
Karoline von Lichtfeld 1802 is translation of
*Mention in Belinda 1806 is intertextual to
DDDe l'Influence des femmes 1828 is bio-bibliography listing
*Presence in Leopold Paternolli's catalogues 1833 lists work
*Early version of Madame Bovary 1855 is intertextual to