Eine Frauenfahrt um die Welt [A woman's voyage around the world]
Title | Eine Frauenfahrt um die Welt [A woman's voyage around the world] |
Date | 1850 |
VIAF | - |
Language(s) | German |
Notes | - |
Name | Role |
Ida Laura Pfeiffer | is creator of |
Reis eener vrouw rondom de wereld | 1852 | is translation of | |
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen | 1853 | comments on work | |
Pytuvane okolo svetyt ot gospozha Ida Pfaifer/Travel all around the world by Ida Pfeiffer | 1858 | is translation of | |
Voyage d'une femme autour du monde | 1859 | is translation of | |
Catalogus Van der Hoek | 1859 | lists work | |
Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) | 1860 | lists work | |
De reis eener dame om de wereld | 1874 | None |