Heptaméron ou histoire des amans fortunez

Title Heptaméron ou histoire des amans fortunez
Date 1558
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Navarre, Marguerite de is creator of
Les Vies des Dames Galantes 1580 is intertextual to
The queen of Navarres tales 1597 is translation of
Van de wtnementheyt des vrouwelicken geslachts 1639 is bio-bibliography listing
Heptameron or the history of the fortunate lovers; translated Robert Codrington 1654 is translation of
La Servante justifiée 1680 is intertextual to
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Hennin 1705 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Antonii Gibson 1715 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Rosenboom, Carolus 1722 lists work
Catalogus privé-bibliotheek Gentilet 1724 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek De Bada 1727 lists work
*Correspondance avec sa fille 1760 comments on work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek P. van Assendelft & P. de Veer 1765 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek P. van Assendelft & P. de Veer 1765 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek M. O** 1767 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Michel & Roe 1774 lists work
*Presence in Swederus Catalogue 1785 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1791 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Van der Haar 1795 lists work
P. Jacquinet, *Mention in Femmes de France 1886 is bio-bibliography listing
*Mention in article: Znatnije književnice u stranih naroda/Important Foreign Women Writers 1896 None
*Mention in Geschiedenis van het drama [...] in Nederland 1903 None
*Mention in Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Letterkunde 1907 None
Pregled glavnih zastopnic francoskega slovstva Overview of the Main Female Representatives of French Literature 1912 None