La Mare au Diable

Title La Mare au Diable
Date 1846
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Sand, George (pseudonym) is creator of
Prokliatoe Boloto 1846 is translation of
Die Teufelslache 1846 is translation of
Der Teufelssumpf 1846 is translation of
*[title in Russian] 1846 is translation of
La Mare au Diable. Suivie de Fanchette (Brussels/Leipzig: Meline, Cans) 1846 is copy of
La Mare au Diable. Suivie de Fanchette (Brussels/Leipzig: C. Muquardt) The Devil's Swamp. Followed by Fanchette 1846 is copy of
Johannes Scherr, Lucrezia Floriani und der Teufelssumpf 1847 is translation of
Wilhelm Jordan, Eine Landidylle 1847 is translation of
Michael Etienne, Die Teufelspfutze 1847 is translation of
The haunted marsh 1848 is translation of
*Letter to Mary Russell Mitford 1848 comments on work
Djævlesumpen: En Landsby-Idyl 1849 is translation of
*[title in English] 1850 is translation of
Francis G. Shaw, The Enchanted Lake 1850 is translation of
Stanislaw Mikulowski, *[title in Polish] 1851 is translation of
Litteraturöfversigt (an article) A literature view 1851 None
La charca del diablo 1851 is translation of
*Presence in catalogue of Doctrina et Amicitia Amsterdam 1852 lists work
Prokliatoe Boloto 1852 is translation of
*[title in Italian] 1853 is translation of
*Mention in: Ein Wort über französiche und deutsche schöne Literatur 1855 None
Josef Vaclac Fric, Près du ruisseau du diable, ou la demande en mariage à Sumova 1858 is adaptation of
*Présence dans sa bibliothèque 1860 lists work
Devil's Pool 1861 is translation of
Gospozha Georg Sand.Dqvolskoto blato/The devil's swamp by George Sand.Translation from french 1874 is translation of
De duivelspoel The devil's pool 1874 is translation of
*Art. in Onze Tolk 1875 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1875 lists work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1875 comments on work
*[title in Hungarian] 1877 is translation of
*Mention in art. Fransche Chansons dezer dagen 1878 None
Ďablova bařina : Obraz ze života venskovkého ve 4 jednáních / Dle francouzské povídky od G. Sandové ; prel. J. Vávra Lomnický 1879 is translation of
Im Walde. Landliches Charaktergemalde in 4 Acten. 1880 is adaptation of
C. Sachs, La Mare au Diable. Nach der Pariser Ausgabe. 1882 is copy of
*Presence in catalogue Leesinrichting Nut Amsterdam 1884 lists work
Dora 1885 is intertextual to
*Mention in art. Mythologie en Folklore 1885 None
Catalogue of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen 1886 lists work
Der Teufelssumpf. Eine Erzahlung 1886 is translation of
Djefvuls-kärret. Byhistoria Djefvul-swamp. Village story 1888 is translation of
Frank H. Potter, The haunted pool 1890 is translation of
Chertovo boloto [Devil's Swamp] 1892 is translation of
Germain's marriage 1892 is translation of
The Devil's pool 1894 is translation of
Chortovo Boloto 1894 is translation of
Chortovo boloto [Devils' Swamp] 1895 is translation of
Chortovo Boloto; Sredi Polei: T. 1 1895 is translation of
Chortova luzha [Devil's Pool] 1897 is translation of
J. Haas, La Mare au Diable. Fur den Schulgebrauch bearbeitet 1899 is copy of
La Mare au Diable. Fur den Schulgebrauch herausgegeben 1900 is copy of
Het landleven in de letterkunde der XIXe eeuw 1902 comments on work
Læseforening (La Mare au Diable) 1904 lists work
Der Teufelssumpf 1906 is translation of
A. Muhlan, La Mare au Diable. Zum Schulgebrauch herausgegeben 1907 is copy of
Josy Priems, Das Teufelsmoor. Erzahlung 1908 is translation of
Svetislav Petrović Đavolja bara 1920 is translation of
Edwin Hagfors, Hiidenlampi 1924 is translation of
Raško Dimitrijević Đavolja bara 1935 is translation of