Jane Eyre. An autobiography

Title Jane Eyre. An autobiography
Date 1847
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Brontë, Charlotte is creator of
*Art. in Blätter für literarischer Unterhaltung 1848 comments on work
Johanna Eyre 1848 is translation of
Jane Eyre of het leven eener gouvernante 1849 is translation of
Catalog over Athenæums Bøger 1849 lists work
*Art. in Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes 1849 comments on work
*Art. in Blätter für literarischer Unterhaltung 1849 comments on work
*Title in German 1850 is translation of
E. Giertsen's Library (as by 'L. Bell') 1850 lists work
*Art. in Grenzboten 1850 comments on work
*Art. in De Recensent 1850 comments on work
Jane Eyre 1850 is translation of
Memoiren einer Gouvernante 1850 is translation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1851 comments on work
Presence in Janez Giontini's catalogue (Leihbibliothek des Joh. N. Giontini... in Laibach... Haupt- Katalog ) 1851 lists work
Visitenbuch eines deutschen Arztes in London Visit book of a German doctor in London 1852 is intertextual to
Jane Eyre. En sjelfbiografie, utg. af C. Bell Jane Eyre. An autobiography by C. Bell 1853 is translation of
Die Waise von Lowood 1853 is adaptation of
Jane Eyre ou les Mémoires d'une institutrice 1854 is translation of
Jane Eyre, an autobiography 1855 is copy of
Jane Eyre ou Mémoires d'une Gouvernante 1855 is adaptation of
*Art. in Leeskabinet 1857 comments on work
*art. in French journal, copied in Wetenschappelijke Bladen 1858 comments on work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
*Presence in catalogue 1860 lists work
Die Waise von Lowood 1862 is adaptation of
Harriet Wilson 1862 is intertextual to
*Mention of Ch.Bronte in art. about Barrett Browning 1866 None
*Note in Diary 1866 comments on work
Elisabeth, oder eine deutsche Jane Eyre Elisabeth, or a German Jane Eyre 1873 is intertextual to
*Art. in Ons Streven 1874 comments on work
N.T., *Art. in Leeskabinet 1874 comments on work
N.T., *art. in Leeskabinet 1874 comments on work
*Art. in Vaderl. Letteroefeningen 1874 comments on work
Jane Eyre, sirotek Lowoodský. Díl čtvrtý / z anglického Karoliny Currer-Bellove přeložila P.M. Chorušická 1875 is translation of
Slovensko gledališče Slovenian Theater 1876 None
Lowoodska sirota The orphan of Lowood 1876 is adaptation of
Joanna Eyre 1877 is translation of
Læseforening for Kvinder Reading society for women 1880 lists work
Blagodejna zvezdica (The benevolent little star) 1881 is intertextual to
Mačeha The Stepmother 1882 is intertextual to
Arabela 1885 is intertextual to
Jane Eyre, of, De wees van Lowood 1885 is translation of
Jane Eyre, of, De wees van Lowood 1885 is translation of
Beatin dnevnik (Beata's diary) 1887 is intertextual to
Jane Eyre 1889 is translation of
*Mention in Anti-revolutionaire vertoogen. Souvenirs uit het tijdvak der Nederlandsche, Engelsche en Fransche ro 1896 comments on work
*Diary mention, Monday 9 August;Tuesday 7 September 1897 comments on work
Slučaji usode (The Accidents of Fate) 1897 is intertextual to
*Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) 1898 lists work
*Presence in Janko Kersnik's private collection 1900 lists work
Jane Eyre 1902 is translation of
Jane Eyre: Roman 1902 is translation of
Læseforening (Jane Eyre) 1904 lists work
Jane Eyre (1911) 1911 is translation of
Lowoodska sirota The Orphan of Lowood 1912 None
Een vroegere lezing van C.B's Jane Eyre ontdekt? 1918 comments on work
Wide Sargasso Sea 1966 is intertextual to