The mysteries of Udolpho

Title The mysteries of Udolpho
Date 1794
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Radcliffe, Ann is creator of
*Art. in Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode 1794 comments on work
The Mysteries of Udolpho 1794 is copy of
*Art. in Nieuwe Algemene Konst- en Letterbode 1795 comments on work
Udolpho's Geheimnisse Udolpho's mysteries 1795 is translation of
Les mystères d'Udolphe The mysteries of Udolpho 1797 is translation of
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek J. v. Gulik 1798 lists work
Le Testament, ou les Mystères d'Udolphe 1798 is adaptation of
Montoni, of het kasteel van Udolpho 1799 is adaptation of
Het testament of de geheimen van Udolpho 1799 is adaptation of
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek: Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1801 comments on work
The Veiled Picture, or the Mysteries of Gorgondo.. 1802 is copy of
*Presence in Cleve Catalogue 1803 lists work
Röfwarslottet i Apenninska bergen The robber castle in the Apenninis 1806 is translation of
Het kasteel der gastvrijheid, of het spook 1815 is translation of
ZZ*References to Radcliff in Northanger Abbey 1817 is intertextual to
De geheimen van Udolpho 1823 is translation of
*art. in Letterkundig Magazijn 1824 comments on work
*Art. in De recensent 1825 comments on work
Los misterios de Udolfo 1832 is translation of
*art. in Vriend des Vaderlands 1834 comments on work
Os Mysterios do Castello de Udolfo 1840 is translation of
Catalogus Van der Hoek 1859 lists work
The Brothers Karamazov / Бра́тья Карама́зовы The Brothers Karamazov 1880 None
*Mention in The Brothers Karamazov 1880 None
*Mention in The Literary Reader 1882 comments on work