Les Femmes illustres, ou les harangues héroïques

Title Les Femmes illustres, ou les harangues héroïques
Date 1642
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Scudéry, Madeleine de is creator of
Viertzig durchläuchtige Frauen oder, Deroselben viertzig heroische Reden, samt ihren eigentlichen Abbildungen, wie solche Theils von uhralten geschnittenen ädlen Steinen, Theils von geprägten Müntzen genommen worden 1654 is translation of
Zwantzig heroische hochdeutsche Frauen-reden sampt dero eigentlichen in Kupffer gestochen-Abbildingen 1659 is translation of
Severall witty discourses, pro & con viz. 1. That beauty is no real good, etc. etc. 1661 is translation of
Les femmes illustres, or, Twenty heroick harangues of the most illustrious women of antiquity 1681 is translation of
The female orators: or, the courage and constancy of divers famous queens, and illustrious women, set forth in their eloquent orations, and noble resolutions: worthy the perusal and imitation of the female sex. 1714 is translation of
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