Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph, extracted from her own journal & now first published

Title Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph, extracted from her own journal & now first published
Date 1761
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Samuel Richardson is dedidicated person of
Sheridan, Frances is creator of
Historie van Juffrouw Sidney Bidulph, uit eigenhandige Gedenkschriften by een verzameld. 1761 is translation of
*Art. in Nederlandsche Letter-Courant 1761 comments on work
Memoires de Miss Sidney Bidulph, extraits de son journal 1762 is translation of
Het Leven van Juffrouwe Sidney Bidulph, uit haare eigenhandige Aantekeningen opgemaakt 1762 is translation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1762 comments on work
*Art. in Boekzaal der Geleerde Waerelt 1762 comments on work
Geschichte der Miss Sidney Bidulph aus ihrem eignen Tagebuche gezogen und itzt zum erstenmale bekannt gemacht History of Miss Sidney Bidulph drawn from her own diary and for the first time made public 1762 is translation of
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Mulder 1763 lists work
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la vertu, extraits du journal d'une jeune dame 1763 is translation of
*Mention in Boekzaal 1763 None
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek anoniem 1765 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Isaac 1769 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Isaac 1769 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Neveling 1770 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Dierkens 1771 lists work
Die Entführung, oder Die zärtliche Mutter The abduction, or the loving mother 1772 is adaptation of
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Muralt de Berne 1773 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Muralt de Berne 1773 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Regenboog 1777 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek anoniem 1780 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Van Stocken 1782 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Krak 1783 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Van Hoorn 1784 lists work
*Presence in Swederus Catalogue 1785 lists work
Memoirs of Sidney Bidulph. Extracted from her own Journal. 1786 is copy of
Pamiątki Miss Sidney Bidulph, wyjęte z jej dziennika, z angielskiego na francuskie, teraz na polskie przełożone przez H. F. P. K. M. 1786 is translation of
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Du Pon 1787 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek Bakhuyzen 1791 lists work
Veilingcatalogus leesbibliotheek Riemsdyk & Bronkhorst 1792 lists work
*Presence in Cleve Catalogue 1792 lists work
Memorias para la historia de la virtud, sacadas del diario de una señorita 1792 is translation of
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek: Van der Goes 1792 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek Martens 1793 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek de Vogel 1794 lists work
Veilingcatalogus privé-bibliotheek de Vogel 1794 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek J. v. Gulik 1798 lists work
Catalogus publieke leesbibliotheek: Bakhuyzen 1800 lists work
Spanish Inquisition Archives 1815 is censorship of
*Mention in Art. in De Gids 1867 None