La vida

Title La vida
Date 1565
Notes -
Name Role
Santa Teresa de Jesús is creator of
Vita della m. Teresa di Giesù Life of mother Teresa of Jesus 1599 is translation of
La Vie de la Mère Térèse de Jésus; translated Jean de Bretigny et Les Pères chartreux de Bourgfontaine 1601 is translation of
La Vie de la mère Térèse de Jesus... composée par le R. P. François de Ribera,... Avec les Advis et exclamations ou Méditations de l'âme à son Dieu, composés par la dite mère Térèse de Jesus 1607 is adaptation of
The lyf of the mother Teresa of Iesus; translated Michael Walpole 1611 is translation of
Vita B. Matris Teresae de Jesu; by Francisco de Ribera 1620 is adaptation of
The flaming hart, or, The life of the gloriovs S. Teresa foundresse of the reformation; translated Tobie Matthew 1642 is translation of
*Catholic spiritual exercises 1650 mentions work
La vie de Sainte Therèse; new translation by Pesonne 1664 is translation of
The second part of the life of the Holy Mother S. Teresa of Jesus; translated Abraham Woodhead 1669 is translation of
La Vie et les méditations [Life and medititations] 1670 is adaptation of
The life of the Holy Mother S. Teresa; translated Abraham Woodhead 1671 is translation of
La Vie de sainte Thérèse écrite par elle-mesme. [Addition.] Traduction nouvelle exactement conforme à l'original espagnol, par M. l'abbé Chanut 1691 is translation of
La Vie de sainte Thérèse 1697 is translation of
Vie de Sainte Térèse écrite par elle-même 1852 is translation of
The life of Saint Teresa , written by herself 1855 is translation of
Oeuvres spirituelles de Saint Pierre d'Alcantara: précédées du portrait historique du Saint par Sainte Térèse Spiritual Works by St Pedro de Alcantara: preceeded by a historical portrait by St Teresa 1862 mentions work
Istoria della propria vita History of his life 1869 is translation of
Santa Teresa de Jesus: Mercedes que el Señor le Hacia en la Oracion Saint Teresa de Jesus 1897 is copy of
Transverberacion del Corazon de Santa Teresa Transverberation of St Teresa's Heart 1897 comments on work
Transverberacion del Corazon de Santa Teresa Transverberation of St Teresa's Heart 1897 comments on work
The life of St. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of our Lady of Carmel written by herself--trans.David Lewis 1911 is translation of