Histoire de ma vie

Title Histoire de ma vie
Date 1854
Language(s) French
Notes -
Name Role
Sand, George (pseudonym) is creator of
Otryvok iz "Istorii moei zhizni" Zhorzh Sand [a selection from "Story of my life" George Sand] 1854 is translation of
*Translation project 1854 lists work
*Advertisement 1854 comments on work
*[title in Russian] 1855 is translation of
Geschichte meines Lebens 1855 is translation of
"Istoriia moei zhizni" Zhorzha Sanda [Histoire de ma vie. - Paris, 1854-1856] 1855 is translation of
Otryvok iz "Istorii moei zhizni" Zhorzh Sand [A selection from "Story of my life" George Sand] 1855 is translation of
"Istoriia moei zhizni" Zhorzha Sanda [Histoire de ma vie. - Paris, 1854-1856] 1856 is translation of
*Art. in Magazin für die Literatur des Auslands 1856 comments on work
*Art. in Deutsches Museum 1856 comments on work
Otryvok iz "Istorii moei zhizni" Zhorzh Sand [a selection from "Story of my life" George Sand]: Bal'zak 1856 is translation of
*Art. George Sand (on: Histoire de ma vie and Oeuvres) 1858 comments on work
*Presence in Catalogue 1860 lists work
Histoire de ma vie 1860 comments on work
*Presence in catalogue of Doctrina et Amicitia Amsterdam 1863 lists work
*Art. in Mannen van Beteekenis in onze Dagen 1872 comments on work
*Presence in catalogue of Leesmuseum Arnhem 1872 lists work
Geschiedenis van mijn leven History of my life 1875 comments on work
*Review on Busken Huet, George Sand 1877 comments on work
DUBBEL???George Sand 1877 is adaptation of
*Fragments copied by hand in copybook 1880 comments on work
*Letter to Hélène Mercier 1885 comments on work
*Presence in catalogue of Leesmuseum Haarlem 1886 lists work
Catalogue of Leesmuseum voor vrouwen 1886 lists work
*Mention in art. Pierre Leroux 1890 None
Toneelschrijvers en zedemeesters 1890 None
Dagboek Diary 1891 comments on work
Chopin: Sketches from History of My Life 1892 is translation of
Convent life of George Sand 1893 is translation of
*Mention in art. Een staatsman-wijsgeer 1896 None
*Presence in Hedwig von Radics' catalogue (Katalog der Leih-Bibliothek der Frau Hedwig von Radics ) 1898 lists work
História da minha vida 1901 None
*Remark in private correspondence 1906 comments on work
Rudolf Jolowicz, Meine Lebensgeschichte 1907 is translation of
Historia de mi vida 1910 is translation of