The father and daughter

Title The father and daughter
Date 1801
Language(s) English
Notes -
Name Role
Opie, Amelia is creator of
Le Père et la fille The father and the daughter 1802 is translation of
Le Père et la Fille ; conte moral The Father and the Daughter ; moral tale 1802 is translation of
Fadren och dottren Father and daughter 1803 is translation of
Vater und Tochter : Ein Familien-Gemälde Father and Daughter : A family portrait 1803 is translation of
Fitz-Henri, ou la maison des fous Fitz-Henri, or the house of fools 1803 is adaptation of
Отец и дочь. или Пагубные следствия обольщения Father and daughter, or Harmful consequences of seduction 1803 is translation of
*Mention in review on Le Fou de la Montagne, in Revue philosophique, littéraire et politique 1805 comments on work
Cicilie Fitzhenry eller Faderen og Datteren Cecilie Fitzhenry or father and daughter 1805 is translation of
Agnese di Fizendry 1806 is adaptation of
*Review in Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung 1807 comments on work
Sur le drame ou mélodrame de Fitz-Henri 1808 comments on work
Vader en dochter, of de gevolgen van één enkelen misstap Father and daughter, or the consequences of one single misstep 1809 is translation of
L'Agnese di Fitzhenry The Agnes of Fitzhenry 1809 is adaptation of
*Art. in Hedendaagsche Vaderlandsche Bibliotheek 1810 comments on work
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1810 comments on work
Morality of the English Novel and Romance Illustrated by Selections of Sentiment, Character, and Description 1813 quotes work
Vader en Dochter, of De Gevolgen van een' Enkelen Misstap Father and Daughter, or The Consequences of a single Mistake 1815 is adaptation of
Smiles and Tears ; or, The Widow's Stratagem 1815 is adaptation of
Une visite à Charenton, folie-vaudeville en un acte A visit to Charenton 1818 is intertextual to
Théâtre Royal Italien - Première représentation de l'Agnese, in: La Renommée (July) First performance of l'Agnese 1819 comments on work
Spectacles - Des trois Théâtres lyriques, in: La Renommée (August) 1819 comments on work
On the Female Literature of the Present Age 1820 comments on work
*Recommendation in Letter to Hortense de Beauharnais 1820 comments on work
The Lear of Private Life! or, Father and Daughter, a Domestic Drama 1820 is adaptation of
El padre y la hija., historia inglesa The father and the daughter. An English tale 1820 is translation of
*Four engravings on Cécile, Arthur and Fitz-Henri 1821 is adaptation of
Agnès et Fitz-Henri, pantomime en 2 actes 1822 is adaptation of
Cecilia, ó sea El padre y la hija: Novela Cecilia, or The Father and Daughter 1822 is translation of
Vie de Rossini Life of Rossini 1824 comments on work
*Recommendation in De l'Education 1824 comments on work
Histoire critique et littéraire des théâtres de Paris (année 1822) Critical and literary history of the theaters of Paris (year 1822) 1824 comments on work
*Pictures of scenes from Father and Daughter hanging [in?] the Grande Chartreuse 1833 is adaptation of
L'Histoire de Cécile, fille de Fitz-Henry, séduite par Arthur [...] en quatre tableaux The Tale of Cecile, daughter of Fitz-Henry, seduced by Arthur [...] in four paintings 1835 is adaptation of
*Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen 1836 comments on work
*Art. in Algemeen Letterlievend Maandschrift 1836 comments on work
*Art. in Boekzaal der geleerde Wereld 1836 comments on work
The Gentleman's daughter, or, A great city's temptations 1843 is edition of
Bouvard et Pécuchet 1881 None