Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people ARTICLE

Title Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people
Is same as work Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1887
Notes ['The text in Helsingfors dagblad says: "this book is most entertaining story with true, natural types. Life that is described here, is good and rich of life, glad: courage and activity undergo everything and warm humour lies over everything as sunshine. They are not exquisitely layabouts that are described here but life\'s real accounts receivable in the work and in self help get their justice - but a work, that doesn\'t exclude joy and pleasure but goes hand in hand with them. An air of the spirit of the new times goes throughout the book and gives it a special freshness."JWfeb16']
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De forna skolgossarna i Plumfield Unknown translator (to be identified)