Ditt och datt This and that ARTICLE Finland

Title Ditt och datt This and that
Is same as work Ditt och datt
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1898
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Nya pressen 10.4.1898 says: "Divorce because of literary antipathy. Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett, the writer of Little Lord Fauntleroy, has left an application for divorce in the supreme court of Washington. The english writer is married with dr. Swan Burnett, a famous eye doctor and writer of many esteemed works. But because his works are not so spred as his wife\'s are and mrs. Burnett doesn\'t value much her husband\'s literary work, has a huge literary jealousy hit the doctor. Because this sickness made their cohabitation less comfortable, has mrs Burnett now applied for a divorce." The same text in Hufvudstadsbladet 13.4.1898. JWmar16']

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