Major Frans WORK

Title Major Frans
Is same as work Major Frans
Part of work
Author Samuel C. Eastman
Date 1880
Notes ['Eastman published his translation (based on the french text) in "The Granite Monthly", a New Hampshire Magazine, which he sent to B.T. \n\nIn a letter to C. A. Wilkes of 21-3-1881 she commented: `De Heer schreef mij daarbij een beleefden brief - het speet hem de Novelle niet in betere vorm dan in afdrukken te kunnen aanbieden - in zijne provincie had de Majoor succes!\'\n\nLater she sent Eastman her "Raymond de Schrijnwerker", which he did not translate because he didn\'t know any dutch [letter to Huet 14-1-1884]']
is translation of Majoor Frans
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
Majoor Frans Bosboom-Toussaint, Anna Louisa Geertruida