En Gentlemans Historie WORK

Title En Gentlemans Historie
Is same as work En Gentlemans Historie
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1876
Notes ["mnsoct10\nNB! Assumed to be a translation of John Halifax, not confirmed.\nThe translator is given as A.V.\nNo preface or illustrations. Gothic typeface.\nName of author does not appear, only identified as 'the author of The Head of the Family, Olive, The Ogilvies etc'\n\nIt seems that it may NOT be a translation of JH, since the title page says 'A Gentleman's Story, by the author of John Halifax). As quoted in KLK's 1880 catalogue. \nMNS20"]
is translation of John Halifax, gentleman
In this reception

No persons found

Via received works
John Halifax, gentleman Craik, Dinah Mulock