Prefazione WORK

Title Prefazione
Is same as work Prefazione
Part of work
Author Unknown translator (to be identified)
Date 1849
Notes ['Author: "IL TRADUTTORE", Lugano, 1st December, 1848. \r\nPCmay10\r\n\r\nquestion: original text in French or Italian? IN FRENCH \r\n\r\nto be discussed in WG 1 and 3: enter prefaces separately (like here) WILL DO \r\n\r\nor enter the translations with mention concerning absence/presence of prefaces (cf. the translations I am studying in Chawton House Library now) svd (11-6-10) WILL CHECK AND DO LIKEWISE - I HAVE FOUND 1800 TEXTS BY NEERA ETC NO PREFACE (TO BE RECORDED FOR ORIGINALS TOO I THINK TO AVOID REPEATING SEARCH)']
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L'Italia e la rivoluzione italiana nel 1848 per la principessa Cristina Triulzo-Belgioioso Belgioioso, Cristina Trivulzio di