B., *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen ARTICLE

Title B., *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen
Is same as work B., *Art. in Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1858
Notes ["md\r\n\r\nForDWW19\r\n748-9\r\nEen boek, door eene vrouw geschreven, te recenseren, is in\r\nden regel reeds, ook dan zelfs wanneer men ingenomen met de pennevrucht des auteurs en onder den frisschen indruk van\r\nhet gelezene de pen in de hand neemt -- — wie zal 't ontken-\r\nnen? -—- altijd een moeijelijk werk. \r\n- the book has already had quite some impact (cf. Juif errant and Mystères); so no need of abstracting \r\n- the book has no value as a novel (too many lacks and errors); author herself agrees about this\r\n- the ideas are the essential part, yet journalist did not find any who pleased him\r\n- not enough coherence, is too much like a gallery of portraits of people (in particular protestant ministers) the readers know\r\n- admiration of these ministers should not be ridiculed as she does\r\n- she should use her talents differently\r\nsvdmar11"]
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