*Preface to Fingal WORK

Title *Preface to Fingal
Is same as work *Preface to Fingal
Part of work
Author J. Pinto Ribeiro
Date 1867
Notes ['standardizingsept12pu\r\n\r\nJudgment/evaluation :\r\n-\tPositive about author\r\n-\tPositive about work\r\n\r\nTaking the author seriously :\r\n-\tReference to reputation acquired \r\n-\tMention of success\r\n\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\r\n-\tIn positive sense (for both): Sapho, Alorna, Girardin, Avelaneda, Lacerda\r\n\r\n\r\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors : \r\n-\tIn positive sense (for both): Klopstock, Lamartine, Gessner, Virgilio, Van-Hasselt, Camões, Eichendorff.\r\n\r\nGender: \r\n-\tCorresponds to female norms (pos.): "Somente a mulher é que pode produzir verdadeira poesia. Os defeitos da forma resgata-os ela com um gratissimo perfume de amor e crença, fantasioso lirismo, sensibilidade esquisita e frases de ingénua simplicidade a que nunca pode atingir a poesia máscula." ["Only the woman can produce true poetry. She rescues the defects of form with a grateful perfume of love and belief, fantastical lyricism, odd sensitivity and naive simplicity phrases that manly poetry can never reach."]']
is preface of Fingal
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Via received works
Fingal Maria Adelaide Fernandes Prata