Nykyajan englanninkieliset kaunokirjailijat Modern English fiction writers ARTICLE Finland

Title Nykyajan englanninkieliset kaunokirjailijat Modern English fiction writers
Is same as work Nykyajan englanninkieliset kaunokirjailijat
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1896
Notes ['The article in the newspaper Uusi Suometar says: "The American fiction is known for giving to young people even more good reading than the English fiction. Good advice and excellent teachings are hidden beneath playfulness and funny events. Louisa M. Alcott, who is also known to Finnish people, is one of the most talented in this area. Her fresh, warm-hearted stories from the American home and school life have gotten much commendations and many friends. Sure there is some superficiality, but it must be forgiven because of the other good features of the writer. It is mostly seen when the writer with a sympathetic goodwill, without strong accusations, describes the young people\'s lust for amusement and dazzle." JWfeb16']

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