Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people ARTICLE

Title Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom Christmas literature for children and young people
Is same as work Jullitteratur för barn och ungdom
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1887
Notes ['The article in Hufvudstadsbladet says:" the books belongs to writer\'s best books for young people. It handles mostly grown-up youth and gives an appealing picture of the youth\'s life in England, that is full of work and joy. Such stories cannot be something else than useful for the young readers view of life. The young people\'s joy without vanity or luxury, a real work, that doesn\'t exclude joy, that mostly gets it\'s expression in the healthy life in the free nature - there are the most important features in this very good book, which shall find a wide circle of readers especially among the more mature youths." JWfeb16']
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De forna skolgossarna i Plumfield Unknown translator (to be identified)