Rash vows, or, The effects of enthusiasm. A Novel WORK

Title Rash vows, or, The effects of enthusiasm. A Novel
Is same as work Rash vows, or, The effects of enthusiasm. A Novel
Author Matthew O'Hinkley
Date 1799
Notes ["Rptd.: Dublin, 1799 [NCBEL]\r\nName translator (after Garside et al.): Matthew O'Hinkley\r\n\r\nconcerning paratext:\r\n{Name of woman on title page}\r\n{Other work by woman on title page} : Theatre of education; Adelaïde and Theodore, etc.\r\n{Name of translator NOT on title page}\r\n\r\n{Dedication present} [by translator ?? by Genlis ?? to be compared to French original, svd]\r\niii-iv Dedicatory Epistle to Lady Edward Fitzgerald and Mrs Henrietta Matthieson\r\nMy dear and faithful friends,\r\nHow pleasing it is to me to unite such pure and respectable names, and to prefix them to a Work which I presume to think is the most moral Romance in our Language; perhaps the only one that young people, and even those whose education is far advanced, may be permitted to read. I have in several works depicted vice with all its horror and absurdity, but in this I have only endeavoured to shew the dangerous consequences of excessive delicacy and extreme sensibility. You, my daughters by adoption - you, who from infancy have been attached to each other by/\r\niv \r\nthe precious bonds of the tenderest friendship - you, whose constant affection has afforded me an inexhaustible source of true consolation - receive this as a token of maternal gratitude. [...] A perusal of these pages will confirm you in the salutary and well-founded opinion, that without wisdom, and consequently without moderation, sensibility is only a fatal gift. [...]\r\n[n.s.]\r\nsvdjun10chawton"]
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Les voeux téméraires, ou l'enthousiasme Genlis, Stéphanie Félicité de