Elämäntavoista. "Rakkaus" ja avioliitto. About the ways of life. "Love" and marriage. ARTICLE Finland

Title Elämäntavoista. "Rakkaus" ja avioliitto. About the ways of life. "Love" and marriage.
Is same as work Elämäntavoista. "Rakkaus" ja avioliitto.
Part of work
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Place Finland
Date 1927
Notes ['Kollontai is mentioned in an article on the magazine Kommunisti 1.10.1927. The journalist, called O-a, says that Kollontai only discusses the psychical and psychological side of the marriage, and does not mention the social and economical part. JWaug20']

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comments on person Kollontai, Aleksandra Mihailovna
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