Barn- och ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young people ARTICLE

Title Barn- och ungdomsliteratur Literature for children and young people
Is same as work Barn- och ungdomsliteratur
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Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1895
Notes ['The text in the newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet 13.12.1895 says:"Against this description there nothing else to say than that the heroine is boring and limited. She follows her brother from England to his farm in America, is angular towards everyone and without the smallest refreshing originality. Finally she gets sick and is passionately taken care by a young lady, who\'s friendship she earlier rejected. She softens, becomes thankfull, obtainable and soon gets married with the brother of her new friend. When the sister asks about his relish, he answers simply: she isn\'t so quick that another poor fellow has troubles staying with her. I have always been the slow one in the family, and it is refreshing to meet a woman that isn\'t quicker than you self." JWmar16']
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Högadal Lindwall, Dagmar