The Praises of Ouida / Oblivion ARTICLE England

Title The Praises of Ouida / Oblivion
Is same as work The Praises of Ouida / Oblivion
Author Alice Meynell
Place England
Date 1895
Notes ['Originally published as "The Praises of Ouida" in the Pall Mall Gazette of 16 August 1895, titled "Oblivion" in a manuscript containing many essays by Meynell.\r\n\r\nIn this article Meynell elaborates on how easy it is for an author to pass into oblivion and notes that this seems to be happening to Ouida. She then proceeds to an evaluation of her work, concluding with the words: "Yes, it would be unjust for some of us to forget Ouida. She has been teacher, mistress, and mother to some of us. She absolutely invented \'paradox\', and, if some of us should not forget, others of us can never forgive her" (p. 8).\r\n\r\nAsK October 2010']

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