Our London Correspondence ARTICLE Scotland

Title Our London Correspondence
Is same as work Our London Correspondence
Author ~~author (name unknown)
Place Scotland
Date 1892
Notes ['Establishes link between Pardo Bazán and Mrs Cunningham-Graham, as well as comparison to Mathilde Serao. Transcription of the entire note:\r\n" \'The Life of S. Theresa,\' by Mrs Cunningham-Graham, will be published shortly. She has also been at work upton the translation of the writings of Doña Emilia Pardo Bazán, of whom she is an intimate friend. Doña Pardo Bazán is a realist, and is to Spain what Signora Mathilde Serao is to Italy, only very much better known."\r\nHP, AP12']

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In this reception
mentions person Emilia Pardo Bazán
Via received works

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