Kirjallisuutta Literature PUBLICITY

Title Kirjallisuutta Literature
Is same as work Kirjallisuutta
Author Unknown journalist (to be identified)
Date 1917
Notes ['An advertisement in the newspaper Suomalainen 26.1.1917 and in Hämeen Sanomat and Länsi-Suomi and Karjalan Aamulehti 27.1.1917 ("There is hardly anything more fresh and at the same time poetic than the works by this famous American female writer. They are excellent descriptions of home happiness and waking emotions, at the same time the healthy humour and cleverness make them most important for the education of a young nature."). The same text in Savon Sanomat 29.1.1917, Satakunnan Sanomat 31.1.1917, in Karjalatar 1.2.1917, in Maakansa 8.2.1917 and in Karjala 4.3.1917. An advertisement also in Kansan Lehti 27.1.1917 ("This book is one of the best by the author"), in Kaiku 28.1.1917, in Mikkelin Sanomat 6.2.1917, in Kaiku 18.2.1917 and 4.3.1917, Käkisalmen sanomat 9.3.1917, Uusi Suometar 18.3.1917 ("A charming novel about four small girls. Upon the book there lies the sweetest charm of femininity and it\'s excellent reading for the young"), Karjalan Aamulehti 8.4.1917, Ilkka 10.4.1917, Uusi Aura, Kansan Tahto, Savon Sanomat, Suomalainen, Turun Sanomat, Liitto, Aamulehti, Kansan Lehti 11.4.1917, Kaiku, Hämetär, Kaleva, Hämeen Sanomat, Mikkelin Sanomat, Savo 12.4.1917, Pohjanlahti, Keski-Savo, Karjalatar 14.4.1917, Karjalan Aamulehti 17.5.1917, Uusi Aura 19.5.1917, Etelä-Suomen Sanomat 15.12.1930. JWaug16']
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