Public Characters of 1805 WORK England
Title | Public Characters of 1805 |
Is same as work | Public Characters of 1805 |
Part of work | |
Author | UNKNOWN [author, various, name and sex unknown] |
Reference | |
Place | England |
Date | 1805 |
Quotation | |
Type | WORK |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['In advertisement: "[...] the lives in this have been drawn up by different pens"\n"In one point of view, indeed, it can exhibit a fairer claim to indulgence than its precursors, as it contains the memoirs of several English ladies, alike celebrated for their talents and accomplishments."\n\nWomen included:\n- Mrs. Crespigny (10 pages)\n"Born to affluence, adorned with beauty, and gifted with a vivacity, which like the will-o\'-wisp, often sparkles to betray, Mrs. Crespigny, at a very early age, rose above her situation and the vanity natural to her sex. In early youth she became a candidate for the greenest wreath of female fame." (p.189)\nDescribed as being instructed in various languages, both at home and at school.\n"Her memory was excellent ; and her love for the poets so animated, that when a mere girl she recited the most elevated passages in Milton with judgement and pathos. Her own talent for composition shewed itself very early, and with great applause [...]" (p.190)\nSaid to have (happily) married Claude Champion Crespigny at the age of sixteen.\n"She has long been considered as the patroness of talent, and the benefactress of those in distress."(p.193)\n\n\'Letters\' and novel \'The Pavilion\' described as successful and highly praised.\n\n- Mrs. Cosway (10 pages = Maria Cosway, Italian-English painter)\n- Duchess of Devonshire (28 pages)\n'] |
No works found
In this reception
is biography of | Mary Lady Champion de Crespigny |
Via received works
No persons found