*Notice in Algemeen Handelsblad ARTICLE Netherlands

Title *Notice in Algemeen Handelsblad
Is same as work *Notice in Algemeen Handelsblad
Part of work
Author [anonymous Dutch, various]
Place Netherlands
Date 1853
Notes ['"Buitenland:\nEngelsche Post.\nLonden, Donderdag 15 December (des Avonds).\n[...]\n- Mistriss Amalie Opie, geb. Alderson, weduwe van den overleden kunstenaar, bekend als schrijfster van verscheiden beroemde dichtwerken, vol eenvoudige waarheid en godsdienstzin, is te Norwich in 88-jarigen ouderdom overleden. Zij behoorde sedert 25 jaren tot de secte der Kwakers." \n\n[Mistriss Amalie Opie, born Alderson, widow of the deceased artist, known as author of several famous pieces of poetry, full of simple truth and religion, has passed away in Norwich at the age of 88. Since 25 years, she belonged to the cult of the Quakers.]']

No works found

In this reception
is obituary of Opie, Amelia
Via received works

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