Las literatas The women writers [see Notes] ARTICLE Spain
Title | Las literatas The women writers [see Notes] |
Is same as work | Las literatas |
Part of work | |
Author | Rosalía de Castro |
Reference | |
Place | Spain |
Date | 1866 |
Quotation | |
Type | ARTICLE |
VIAF | |
Notes | ['Las literatas, was a specific way to call them, used in the XIXth century with special and negative connotations.\n\nstandardizingsept12 BR\n\nJudgment/evaluation:\n-Positive about the author.\n\nTaking the author seriously:\n-Reference to reputation acquired.\n\n-Providing anecdotes about her :\nNone\n\n-Financial aspects, referring to :\nNone\n\n-Comparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\nNone\n\n-Comparision to other male authors (in general, not to a real author) in positive sense for Sand. \n\n-Comparisons to other countries: \nNone\n\n-Gender: \nNone\n\n-Refusal of “female” topoi as proposed by the author commented:\nNone\n\nQuot: \n\n"Porque tal es el mundo, Eduarda: cogerá el libro, o, más bien dicho, el aborto de ese barbero, a quien Dios hizo más estúpido que una marmota, y se atreverá a compararlo con una novela de Jorge Sand.\n(…)\nEsto es insoportable para una persona que tenga algún orgullo literario y algún sentimiento de poesía en el corazón; pero sobre todo, amiga mía, tú no sabes lo que es ser escritora. Serlo como Jorge Sand vale algo; pero de otro modo, ¡qué continuo tormento!" (Rosalía de Castro, Las Literatas, 1866).\n\n[But, that´s the world, Eduarda: he will take the book, or better, the abortion by that barber, who was created by God more stupid than a marmot, and he will dare to compare it with a novel by Jorge Sand.\n\t(…)\nThat´s horrible for a person who has some literary pride and some poetic sense in the heart; but, above all, my friend, you don´t know what is being a writer. Being as Jorge Sand is still a bit worth it, but in another way, what a permanent torture!]'] |
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