*Mention in Histoire des femmes écrivains de la France WORK France

Title *Mention in Histoire des femmes écrivains de la France
Is same as work *Mention in Histoire des femmes écrivains de la France
Author Henri Carton
Place France
Date 1886
Notes ['Carton p. 261: \nnorm = marriage: [...] épousa M. Paul Ackermann, [...]\nsvdfeb12\n\nstandardizingsept12svd\n\nJudgment/evaluation :\n- none\n\nTaking the author seriously\n- not visible\n\nRecurrent elements of image building \n- Marriage (mentioned)\n- Early talents as a writer\n\nFinancial aspects :\n- none\n\nComparisons to/mentions of other women authors :\n- none\n\nComparisons to/mentions of male authors :\n- Paul Ackerman, husband, theologist\n\nComparisons to other countries:\n- none\n\nGender:\n- none']

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In this reception
is biography of Louise Ackermann
Via received works

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